Friday, May 13, 2011

Day 4 and 5 of Parentless

So Day 4 is meshed with Day 5 (today) of being parentless because Blogger wouldn't allow me to make a blog post yesterday -____- (some maintenance thing going on)

But all I pretty much wanted to say about Day 4 (yesterday) was that I'm feeling SUPER DUPER tiiiiired. Exhausted. Mostly physically but I think mentally spent as well. 'Tis just been a long week and there was sorta a lot of stuff happening and things I had to do. Make payments online, make phone calls (sometimes it seems like my home phone won't stop ringing!!! ugh so annoying), run to the bank, run errands for parents, make sure the house is kept tidy and clean, attend Sam's concert, wake up to make him breakfast and lunch and prepare dinner at night, wash up the pots and dishes and utensils after (well I try to get Sam to help out too), go to my own classes, study for exams (of which I had 2 this week and 2 more next week), run experiment for final Physio project, catch up with people, practice piano for final recital, stop by Sam's school because he forgot something @___@, worry about him when it was dark and he still wasn't home yet... But yeahhh, I haven't felt this tired in a long time now. So pooped out.

I think I'm even sliiightly stressed and on the brink of getting sick. My back is stiff and feeling a bit headachy. But despite all of this, I need to make time for GOD and put Him as #1 ("it's all about the will"). And I need to REST in His Spirit.

I'm gonna do devotion now... and then take a nap. Be back later.

Wow, what an unrestful nap -_____- It took me a long time to fall asleep for some odd reason (I actually don't even remember if I even slept). And I kept feeling cold, until the moment I decided to get out of bed. I dislike the feeling of coldness. Sigh, might be feeling cold because I didn't really eat lunch. So I warmed up some rice and vegetables. Great... now I need to wash a full sink-load of pots and dishes. Did I mention that today is Friday the 13th? (not that that has any bearing on the outcome of events of today or anything, since I don't believe in superstition...)

Ahhhh I feel so off right now! @__________@

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