Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Losing Steam

Jesus, I do believe... help me overcome my unbelief!!!

Monday, February 20, 2012

It's Yours

Nothing is mine. Nothing belongs to me. All I have is Yours. Take it all, Jesus. All the glory and honor and fame and recognition belongs to You alone.

Oh Jesus, such trying times for me right now! I'm struggling so much. Please help me, Lord Jesus! Give me the faith to keep believing, to keep fighting. Give me faith, Jesus!

Jesus Calms the Sea

Jesus, I'm riding in Your boat. Please calm the storm in me and around me.

Feeling Blahhhhh

I have a huge headache right now, still. This entire week I've been feeling tired and weary, feverish and achy all over. I think this birthday is the first one that I could remember being ill.

Jesus, please be the deep soul rest that I desperately need right now.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

I'm already in the most important relationship of my life. Jesus is my valentime :)


I already have the greatest Love of all inside of me.

Christ in me = life. Because Jesus is in me, I can live. I will live, even though it's hard sometimes. Because I have Love.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

How I Want to Die

“I love to hear the Word of God read aloud. One of the most difficult pastoral tasks I’ve ever had came very early in my ministry. I was teaching at a college in Massachusetts, and a man closely connected to the school became sick unto death. I used to go to Massachusetts General Hospital every day and sit by his bed and watch him die a day at a time. Finally we came down to the last few hours of his life, and there was very little I could do to comfort him other than put some ice on his parched lips, wipe the sweat from his forehead, and read to him from the Word of God. But that is what he most wanted because of the comfort the Scriptures provided. That’s how I want to die — listening to the Word of God, because that Word is life.” – RC Sproul


Came back from running the perimeter around UCLA with John, Peter, Mark, and Caleb a few hours ago. What a good run! I felt pretty good after running it. Hope we do it more often.

And praise the Lord for giving me energy and strength to keep up with the brothers! =P

Friday, February 10, 2012

a Word from Him

This morning I was thinking of Philippians 1:6. This quarter's been challenging and rough for me in terms of balancing life with Nursing school, ministry, and relationships while first being devoted to God above all else... even up a notch in intensity from last quarter.

Then halfway through my Secondary Prevention lecture, I got an email from a friend:
word for you:

"and i am sure of this that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ"- Phil 1:6

jia you! since God brought you here, He will bring it to completion.

I love it when God speaks and confirms :) I'm thankful and joyful.