Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Great Quote I Love

Sent to me by one of the precious girls I disciple:


Still he shows his freedom and lordship by discriminating between sinners, causing some to hear the gospel while others do not hear it, and moving some of those who hear it to repentance while leaving others in their unbelief, thus teaching his saints that he owes mercy to none and that it is entirely of his grace, not at all through their own effort, that they themselves have found life.

Still he blesses those on whom he sets his love in a way that humbles them, so that all the glory may be his alone. 

Still he hates the sins of his people, and uses all kinds of inward and outward pains and griefs to wean their hearts from compromise and disobedience.

Still he seeks the fellowship of his people, and sends them both sorrows and joys in order to detach their love from other things and attach it to himself.

Still he teaches believers to value his promised gifts by making them wait for those gifts, and compelling them to pray persistently for them, before he bestows them.

- J.I. Packer

Thursday, March 5, 2015


When it comes to missions, give God a blank check.  -David Platt

Missions exist because worship of God doesn't.  -John Piper

The question is not whether you will die.  The question is whether the death you die will bear much fruit.  -John Piper

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose.  -Jim Elliot

If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.         -Jesus Christ