one thing i ABSOLUTELY HATE: when my parents fight. HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE. and hate is a strong word that i rarely use. but i do HATE IT when they argue intensely.
sorry for all the ranting and complaining but ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
parents' issues + my own current struggles = UGH right now
ive gotta 390AWURHJAEO04RHJFDUE899FR00DA in my heart. kinda like i want to EXPLODE. pissed off. disappointed. sorry. feeling bad for a lousy attitude and sharp, haughty, prideful tone of voice. scared. sad. nervous. butterflies in stomach. tired. worn out. sometimes i reaaally just wanna SCREEEEAM or RUNNN or PUNCHHH AND BREAKKK SOMETHING!!!!!!!!!!!!
hey God, what are You trying to teach me through all this? what are You saying?
super looking forward to serenity the next 2 weeks. just me + Sam.
5/9 - 5/23.
God even though things are semi sucky right now, please give me the faith so that my heart will choose to say Lord blessed be Your Name
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