Yeah I think that was one of the big highlights of my day. Today was yet again long, tired, busy. But in the end all that was needed to be done was done for the most part, all by God's grace.
Sam graduated from middle school today -- he played in the orchestra AND sang in choir AND was a graduation speaker. Way to go, overachieving little bro. I was the family cameraman who recorded stuff and took pics. There were a couple times during the ceremony where I felt so emotional and wanted to tear up. I literally watched my cutie-pie baby brother grow up before my eyes... and now he's 14, finishing middle school, and about to start a new chapter of his life as he tackles through the next 4 years of a jungle called HIGH SCHOOL. After family lunch celebration at our old time favorite Our Court's Cafe on Clement St, I went to CCSF (my last day) for a recital in my keyboard harmony class. Then afterwards I had to rush back to Sam's school via bus (cuz I dont got my own car yet but that might change in a month or two) to drop off my camera so he could take pics at his 8th grade dinner dance.
Finally when all my obligations of the day were fulfilled, I spontaneously hopped on the 38 Geary bus and eventually ended up at Ocean Beach. It was super windy and cold at the beach, but at the same time it was also clear and lovely with blue skies and sunshine :) I wanted to watch the sunset.
It was at the beach that I met with my Lover. There I sang Him praises while listening to mp3 player and prayed outloud to Him for a long time. There's been lots on my mind these days, but now was alone time with my Lover. I also prayed a long time for someone whom I don't know yet, but will soon enter my life in God's perfect timing :)
Didn't quite get to see the sunset. I was getting super cold (I had dressed relatively light because it was more warm and sunny early in the day during graduation) and my parents wanted me home soon (dad told mom about this girl in Oakland who got shot the other day riding her bike or something. Gee thanks for the 411, dad -___-) So I went home.
But the alone time at the beach with God was good. Try it sometime :)
Personal preference, drive to the middle of nowhere and just stare up at the stars. But it's much easier to find such a location down in SLO than the Bay