Thursday, June 29, 2017

A Letter

Dear FH,

Not sure when you're going to show up in my life - if you've already appeared, or if we have yet to meet.  But whoever you are, I hope and pray that you will help me be more like Christ my Savior, and that I'll be able to do the same for you, and that together we will love Him better and more than when we were separated.  I hope we can be more effective servants of Christ together, be catalysts for each other's sanctification, be tremendous blessings to the (universal and local) church and family of God, faithfully minister and share the Gospel of peace to the lost as lifetime ministry partners (yay!), raise up (spiritual and biological) life-long disciples for Jesus, bring one another countless joy and laughter and deep companionship and genuine fond affection not based on the superficial and fickle things of the world.  I hope we can be an emblem of biblical love, the 1 Corinthians 13 kind of love, constantly loving one another and being compassionate and forgiving, just as in Christ God forgave us.  Let us spend and be spent for the Gospel!

I have been praying for you for many years, and will continue to do so!  I'm excited for the day that God has ordained for us to meet and wed.  But I am reminded that even if it never will be, my life is still good... because I've already got Christ, and He is sufficient.

Your FW

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