That's basically the blood clot that forms when you cut or scrape yourself. Just the fancy biological name for it. Funny because I was just thinking about that today and then out of the blue, Helen (who's currently studying at Harvard! woot) calls me and told me that she's doing research on the "material properties of the fibrinogen clot" (uh something along those lines >.<). Oh and for your scientific fyi, fibrinogen is the precursor to thrombin, which is the actual stuff that helps you form the blood clot. Yay, I actually remember stuff from the killer Science classes at Berkeley! =)
So the reason why I was thinking about the fibrinogen clot today is because I don't think that is quite forming yet on the knuckles of my middle and ring finger of my right hand, which is currently Band-Aided up right now and somewhat soaked with blood =/ The story behind my injury goes like this: Yesterday I went running through Golden Gate Park while Sam was rollerblading. On our way home, we had to go down this somewhat steep hill. Sam was a little scared because he was on rollerblades, since he's not a pro yet at rollerblading, so he was holding onto me. Every time he made a sudden movement or jolt, it made me feel like I was gonna have a heart attack because I was so scared he was gonna fall down and get hurt, and also that I would fall down with him since he's holding onto me for dear life. Well, that's precisely what ended up happening. After stopping a while on that little hill to laugh about something, Sam lost his balance as he was grabbing onto me and he fell, causing me to fall to the floor as well onto him! But thank God Sam fell on his butt (which has cushion) so he was okay for the most part, but in the process of falling I think I somehow landed on my right hand (knuckles-side down) and before I knew it my middle and ring finger was oozing with dark red blood. It was gross because black wood-chippy stuff and particles got on the wound, yet an interesting spectacle with the abrasion and blood at the same time! (Yeah I know I'm weird >.<)
Note to self: don't go running with a 13-year old who's on rollerblades ever again.
Oh, back to the fibrinogen clot thing... yeah I don't think the clot is quite forming yet on my knuckles (or slow to forming) because it's still quite painful and bleeding even after 24 hours. I think this abrasion would take a while to heal because the injury is right on my knuckles, the part where fingers bend... unless I keep my finger extended and straight all the time with little or no movement, which is difficult and quite impossible because this is my writing hand! Haha I've been feeling quite incapacitated all day, even with such a minor injury: it's hard to hold a pen and write with just 2 fingers (thumb and index), it's hard to tie my hair and brush my teeth and open bottle caps, etc.
Today's already the last day of February! (one of my favorite months of the year) My, how time flies.
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