Counting my blessings:
-Helen lent me her graduation cap so I don't have to buy one :]
-Dawson and the brothers gave me 2 pieces of fried chicken last night. FOR FREE :]
-I get walked home even at insane hours like 4am in the morning :]
-even though I slept 4 hours, God pulled me through my 2 megatough finals today and gave me energy through an energy drink :]
(btw, had my first energy drink - Full Throttle - at 11:17am this morning. tasted like cherry-flavored cough syrup with bubbles. kinda good/nasty at the same time)
-Brandy gave me extra graduation tickets that I was desperately asking around for so now HomePie-B and 哥 can come to my graduation! :]
-I literally pretty much went BAM-BAM-BAM through the 100-questions on my SW Policy final this afternoon because THANKFULLLLLLLLLLLLLY last night Tammie and I spent HOURS in the library going over a 2005 practice final exam that was posted on Bspace (but without answers so we had to search for all of them -____-) and for soooome reason, a huuuuge portion of that practice final showed up on our ACTUAL final exam today. I was literally in shock but at the same time thankful (and a little nervous that I would've forgotten the answers but in the end, it's all good) :]
-bumped into a friend that I had met just this year who had just recently come to the States from China. over dinner on the steps, she told me that I am her friend, one of her few in America :]
-read a lonnnng-overdue letter from angiechong and I feel LOVED by her! :]
-I have a super loving mother and father who hold hands to pray for me constantly. soooo very touched in my heart :]
-Christine Wang dropped by and paid a quickie visit to my apartment and my (now messy) room tonight! I <3 Christine! We're attending each others' weddings fosho! :]
I'm a happy kid who's madly in love with God :]
上帝,我愛你! 但是我知道你愛我更多 <3
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