Even though I'd much rather be practicing the guitar right now, I am studying for my oh-so-dreadful Physiology midterm, which is in two days... dun dun dun. The only reason it is dreadful is because I'm scared that I won't know/remember anything and then do poorly on the test, like what happened in Bio1A... *shudders at the horrible memories of BioA exams*
So today during Quiet Time, I felt quite "rebuked" by the Spirit because I know full well that I've been squandering my time on other stuff lately... well, I haven't been the best steward of my time. And now, I am quite behind in pretty much every class except Chinese because we HAVE to keep up with the readings and do the homework or else Li Laoshi will yell at us. In public. As in, in front of the entire class. (And in in fluent Mandarin =P) Well, I guess I've been catching up with Physiology since the test is this Tuesday, but yeah... I feel like deadmeat for Microbiology cuz there's just a PLETHORA of information plus a ton of reactions to memorize for lab, and I'm like a couple centuries behind in reading for my History of Medicine class (oh schnaps, just checked the syllabus and our first midterm is next Monday -____-), and I've only started reading Chapter 1 in ONE of the two textbooks for my Social Welfare Policy class. *gulp*
Sigh. Well, I now have to reap the consequences of the bad seeds I sowed and take responsibility for my actions. Therefore, I am determined to knuckle down FOREALZ this week and get back on track and caught up on my schoolwork. No more Gchat, no more facebook, no more Youtubing funny videos. I know that I cannot do it myself, no matter how determined I am, for it does not depend on man's effort but on God's mercy (Romans 9:16). Thus, I have been praying to God to grant me wise time management, discipline, concentration, and productivity and to finish this last semester of my undergrad college years STRONGGGGGG (while staying faithful in my daily walk with Him)!
But mannnnn I have a busy week(s) + weekend(s) ahead. Lord, please help me...
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