Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Funny Story #2

Yesterday I admitted an older gentleman who had a syncopal episode (loss consciousness and kinda fell on the street)

He was such a darling older man but did have quite a bit of forgetfulness and would repeat things.  Possibly early-onset dementia

While I was doing a head to toe assessment on him, he looked me in the eye, leaned forward towards me, and whispered (totally out of the blue, no warning, so random), "Would you like me to introduce you to someone?" and smiled genuinely.  Immediately I knew he meant a suitor.

I laughed out loud and jokingly responded, "Are they going to be 75 year olds like you?" and he said "Yes".

It was pretty cute, and I know he meant well, but I'm not sure if he was able to connect the dot that 27yr old me would noooot be interested in a 75yr old anybody hahaha

Funny Story

From November 12, 2015

Today at work one of my co-workers randomly whispered to me, "Frances are you taking weed?"

Shocked why he would even suspect that, I replied firmly "no..."

Then I realized I had misheard him and he had actually asked, "Frances are you losing weight?", to which I also said no

Apparently he thinks I look thinner. (Guess I looked fat to him before?) Must be all the stress from work

Monday, November 16, 2015

Evidence of Healing

Last Wednesday evening at church during Discipleship Counseling class, I sat in the back because I got there a couple minutes late and all the table seats (where I would normally be sitting) were filled up.  Sovereignly, I ended up sitting two seats to the left of someone whom I had recognized to be the husband of an old acquaintance.

Being the friendly-and-not-shy girl that I am (most of the time), I turned to him during our 5 minute break and initiated conversation.

"Are you Taeree's husband?"

To my relief (because there was still a slight chance that I could have been wrong), he replied, "Yeah.  And you're Tae's girlfriend...?"

Though he asked with some hesitancy in his voice, it was interesting to me that that was what he associated me with.  Goes to show that he and his wife must have really been out of the loop over the past couple of years, but I don't blame them since they were never close friends of mine or super involved in my life or anything.

"We're not together anymore, it's been over 2 years," I replied with calmness and a smile - both of which were genuine.  He then apologized but I told him that it was okay and meant it.

At that moment, I found my heart crack into a wide grin while rejoicing and praising the Lord.  Wow, had this same interaction happened a year ago (and it did during summer GOC at UCLA in 2014.  Was catching up with one of the undershepherds and then he asks me: "How's Tae doing?.... Gasp, oh... I'm sorry, I didn't know you guys weren't together anymore..." *awkwardness ensues*), it would have still been so hard and sensitive for my heart and I probably would have gotten emotional and wanted to cry.  But this time around, it didn't sting.  Not one bit.  It didn't hurt me anymore or make me feel sad, grieved, awkward, or even miss what I once had.  And I believe all this is a result from a heart that has finally fully accepted what the Lord has chosen to give me (or in this case, take away) - all in His love, grace, wisdom, and sovereign care over my soul.  This little incident and how I responded to it, by the grace of God, was evidence of healing from perhaps the most painful, traumatic, stressful, difficult yet good, blessed, fruitful, sanctifying trial I've experienced in my life thusfar.

God is sooooo good indeed!  To Him be all glory, praise, and honor forever!