Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Heart

An excerpt from my sister Vicky's blog:

Isn’t it interesting how God shows Himself faithful and faithful again, yet I’m still anxious? And then out of my anxiety, I somehow choose to trust my own ways over His? LOL. My own ways...

I wonder what would happen if I really just went God's way. More people would be blessed. His eternal Kingdom would reign rather than my temporary selfish desires. My worries would be replaced with peace that surpasses all understanding. Wouldn't it be neat if answered prayers really drove my life rather than a constant need to control it?

Prone to wander, Lord I feel it.

Oh for grace to trust Him more.

so true, sister. so true. yes i am prone to wander too... may we continue to repent daily -- deep, thorough repentance -- and turn our fickle hearts back to our True Love!

tonight i so happen to be meditating on Jeremiah 17:9-10. let us continue to ask the Lord to guard our hearts -- our hearts that are deceitful yet so precious to Him! and He wants it ALL FOR HIMSELF. may He purify our hearts and make it strong, make it beat for Him. may God be the strength or our hearts and our portion forever (Psalm 73:25-26).

please pray for continual deep healing, freedom, restoration, and peace for me. my body and soul are tempted to grow weary (this quarter is the toughest quarter of Nursing school! and ministry on top of that just makes everything busier) but God is telling me time and time again to cast all my anxieties on Him because He cares and He is good and faithful and full of grace. and because He loves me. He calls me to remember His character.

O Lord GOD, my heart and flesh may fail, but You are the strength of my heart and my portion forever. Help me to cling onto this promise during this time.

Saturday, January 21, 2012


Hungry I come to You for I know You satisfy...

Today is the 5th day of my Daniel Fast. It's been pretty good so far. I got pretty sick starting Monday after Winter Conference, so I guess being weak and sick with a limited diet has been a little challenging at times, but it's been okay. God is good and loving. I'm kind of always a little bit hungry now but not starving or anything. Mostly been eating vegetables (carrots, celery, cauliflower, tomatoes) and fruits (apples, oranges, bananas, pears) and grains (wheat bread, rice porridge, granola).

Some things I'm praying over as I fast:
-deep inner HEALING
-FREEDOM. I want to be free
-greater personal FAITH to believe GOD
-be surrendered about all tings
-be filled with the Spirit
-NO MORE FEAR of man or anything of this world
-discipleship (I will be discipling someone this quarter, first in America PTL!)
-Mei and Esther (my friends who will be serving as missionaries in Mongolia and Kyrgyzstan for 2+ years)

May God continue to be the strength of my heart and portion forever (Psalm 73:26) throughout this entire span of 21 days of Daniel Fasting and beyond, as well as anyone else out there who is also doing the Daniel Fast at this time, and may His Word continue to be my food, for man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord (Deuteronomy 8:3).

Saturday, January 7, 2012


God gave me a huge love and appreciation for music. I love the sound of musical notes and instruments and singing voices. I learned my first songs on the keyboard when I was in elementary school. I remember learning the recorder in 3rd grade and the violin in 4th. I played the violin for 9 years. I started playing guitar in high school. Ever since I was little I enjoyed singing and was always singing. (Hah I remember when people came over to our house my mom would tell me to sing for them and I'd be really embarrassed >.< ) Even now I'm always singing - outloud or in my head, and definitely in the shower. I LOVE praise and worship time during church service, rally, spontaneous fellowshipping, jam-sessions... And as Christians, I feel that we have even MORE reason to sing. I'm thankful that GOD gave me a voice so I can sing praises to Him.

But it seems to me that I make music best when I am alone... with Him.

♫ ♪ Jesus, you are my song ♪ ♫

Back in LA

Feels good to be back.

Going to sleep now. Going to review TMS 60pack and pray before sleeping. Going to sleep with the fact in my head that I am God's beloved!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

One New Soul :]

Just came back from the nursing home with momma. PRAISE THE LORD!!! 54-yr-old Mr.Wong decided to place his faith in Jesus and prayed with sincere tears to receive Him into his heart as Savior and Lord! Momma has been praying for Mr.Wong for months now. GOD is truly the One who changes hearts and calls His own back to Him! Amazzzing!

In the same way, I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents. -Luke 15:10 =)

Dear Future Husband

Lately I've been really sincerely praying that you will be (are) a God-loving HUMBLE servant leader.
I also pray that you will be mission-minded and have a huge heart for missions. Like me.

Let's keep knowing GOD and growing in our faith. I'm praying for you!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Handwriting cards and letters to my girls in Bishkek, Almaty, and Beijing. I write to them with deep love, joy, and tears in my heart. Praying and longing for the day that GOD reunites us...

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Only in Nursing School...

... do you have a course syllabus that is 98 pages long!!! At least at UCLA Nursing. Last quarter we had one that was 50 something pages, and I thought THAT was long...

A little less than a week before school starts. Am I ready for battle?

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year 2012!!!

Praise the LORD for 2011, praise the LORD for the new year of 2012 to come!