Wednesday, September 22, 2010


I cried A LOT today. Multiple times, too. Just like waterworks. My eyes sorta sting right now and I kinda feel dehydrated.

Got into a fight with both my parents about church stuff... ICA and my home church. Feel conflicted in my own heart in terms of where God wants me to be to continue growing and serving. Realized that I still had a lot of resentment in my heart and upset towards some people/situations of the past. Felt guilty about applying to nursing school and for potentially having a career (is full time ministry the way to go?). Also felt useless/unproductive/fruitless about myself in terms of ministry. I'm also really physically exhausted and tired of always feeling that I'm rushing - rushing home from school, rushing to hop on BART to get to Berkeley, rushing so I could meet up with people, rushing to get work done and actually get sleep. Just was really angry and frustrated today. I had so much rage in me that I actually started to hit and kick the wall. I just wanted to shout or break dishes or punch something. Unacceptable behavior, yeah I know. I'm just confused about what God wants me to do at this point in my life. All I want to do is obey, but I don't hear His audible voice. Wish I did. Would be so much easier...

Guess God's just been surfacing many things all at once. I've noticed that's how He usually operates in my life. For some reason when it rains, it pours. Kinda overwhelming. But I know and trust that He won't give me more than I can handle.

Right now I guess I'm feeling kinda sensitive and emotional. Also felt a great deal of self pity today, which is not good.

Just gotta keep praying, trusting, believing in GOD. If you're reading this, please pray for me too. Thanks.

Jeremiah 29:11-14 and Proverbs 3:4-5. All the way.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Proverbs 3:5-6 :)

I have a midterm on Nutrition, a 4 minute speech I have to give in Interpersonal Communication class, a Russian speech to memorize, and two homework assignments... all DUE TOMORROW. HEH. I'll probably end up pulling an all-nighter or something close to one... but thankfully, I'm quite calm and at peace at the moment. Thanks, God.

Well, I had a pretty busy and jam-packed weekend in LA. The only pretty bad lame was that both my flights were delayed 3 hours (going AND coming... never happened before). Aside from that, I had a pretty blessed time. Went to Praise Night on Friday and broomballing with ICA brothers and sisters from USC, UCLA, and UCI. Also go to see all my V-SET teammates (minus Ed) and meet Ahnjo's wife, Amber! That was pretty nice. W4C planning committee meeting on Saturday and attended an outdoor wedding in the afternoon at the CSU Fullerton arboretum. Caught up with some W4C buddies over dinner at a yummy but expensive sushi restaurant. Worshiped at WHEC on Sunday and was super blessed to see many new faces (like Sherry from BeiDa, who was Denise and my contact in Beijing and who is currently studying at UCLA for a year) as well as old faces (like Angie Jie!) and Berkeley faces (David, Wendy, and Tim!). Bummers that my time in LA was so short and that I didn't get to catchup with as many people as I hoped. Hopefully next time.

Now I'm back in Norcal and as always, there are a million things to do and it feels like I'm racing against the clock. There are always things I NEED to do and then there are other things that I WANT to do and would much rather be doing, if I had the choice. May God help me to have better time management, the ability to discern and prioritize, and to not stress.

Was super blessed and thankful to be able to chat with my V-SET Team Leader Edo for a little while at first. Was very encouraged by him as he advised me over an issue that I'm still slightly burdened by. He told me to keep praying for humility and peace in my heart and to continue loving no matter the circumstance, and to pray for God's peace to reign in me, and to not want to be ministered unto. Then he gave me Proverbs 3:5-6 which has such an AWESOME promise at the end. I believe that God will certainly make the way clear and straight to us if we keep on trusting Him with ALL OUR HEARTS and not lean on our own understanding.

COOL BEANS. Let's all continue to press on in FAITH and trusting God with ALL OUR HEARTS :]

Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make your paths straight.