Boohoo. Today was the last day of official classes/instruction. While everyone is celebrating and rejoicing that it's the last day of school, I'm actually kinda sad because I really do love school =( *tears* Wow, I'm really gonna miss my classes/teachers/going to school every day. I'm gonna miss the life of being an undergrad. Well, I guess there's still more schooling for me afterwards (nursing) but it's gonna be different. Somehow I feel it's gonna be less fun, plus I'm not gonna get to see all my friends and classmates and the people I love around Cal campus =( POOEY.
But I guess it's time to move on... I must continue to trust that God has stuff in store for me in the future (Jeremiah 29:11). And it's gonna be EXCITING cuz life with Jesus is NEVERRRR BORRRRINGGGG!
On a lighter note: just biked to and back from the Berkeley Marina. Took about 2 hours or so. Twas sooooooooooo nice!!!!! The weather was superrrr lovely (I LOVE THE SUN!), although I couldn't find my sunglasses so I pray that I don't get eye cancer since that mighty yellow sun shone in my eyes for such a long time =/ I'm also pretty pooped. Okay, understatement. VERY POOPED. Especially my thighs. I could feel the lactic acid BURNNNNN in my muscles. Also haven't been getting enough sleep lately. But yeah, I LOVE BIKING :) Planning to do it more.
WOWOWOWZERS! It's nearing the end... two more weeks and then I GRADUATE! *dun dun dun* Determined to make every remaining day count and live it to the full, but not in a super crazy I'm-gonna-go-wild sense ofc! Booked weekend ahead, starting with last V-SET/Servant Leaders training tomorrow, followed by Senior Appreciation Dinner from the awesome sophomore class in the evening, hanging out with Bethany on Sunday after church, then planning to go to a Christian acapella concert (For Christ's Sake) at night... and ofc, cannot forget daily studying for my LAST SET OF COLLEGE FINALS!!! Must finish strongggg and with a BANG!
Thank you Jesus for holding my hand these past four years of college. I know you will continue to walk with me until the very end-end. Help me to continue to look to You.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Busy Stressful Weekend...
... but by now, I'm used to it. This semester, pretty much ALL my weekends have been super busy, but they haven't been stressful to the point that I feel like having a melt-down while pulling my hair out. In fact, every weekend has been quite eventful. Even FUN. But this weekend was quite stressful. With painful cramps. And tears. Plus an all-day planning meeting yesterday and today that drained me of much energy, leaving me with lots of unfinished homework and no time to finish. And now it's pretty late on a Sunday night and again, I'm stuck with having to finish writing my research paper and preparing a Chinese oral presentation, yet I'm running out of time... and I'm sleepy @________@
But despite everything, I still give praise and thanks to God. He has been so amazingly gracious and showed so much kindness to me today, this weekend, this past week (basically my entire life). And even though I'm feeling tired and worn out, I'm so glad and thankful that I can even praise God right now :]
What I don't like is the feeling of having to race against the clock. It's moments like these that I wish time would pass by slower... that every minute would last 120 seconds instead of a mere 60 seconds. And as of now, I'm more sad than excited to graduate from college. My graduation is in 3 weeks! Maybe I'll be more ready as graduating day inches closer and closer... but for now, gotta enjoy every last minute that's left at Berkeley.
Lastly, just want to say a big THANK YOU to Moonkyung Kim, Helen Wu, James Fullmer, Kendrick Wong, Justin Yu, Dawson Tang, Sally Wong, Mommy+Daddy... you guys know why. And know that I REALLY appreciate you :] And thanks also to anyone else out there who has been praying for me. If you can, please keep praying; I really need it and would greatly appreciate it! And lemme know if you would like some prayer as well. Good night and have a WONDER-FULL week! :D
But despite everything, I still give praise and thanks to God. He has been so amazingly gracious and showed so much kindness to me today, this weekend, this past week (basically my entire life). And even though I'm feeling tired and worn out, I'm so glad and thankful that I can even praise God right now :]
What I don't like is the feeling of having to race against the clock. It's moments like these that I wish time would pass by slower... that every minute would last 120 seconds instead of a mere 60 seconds. And as of now, I'm more sad than excited to graduate from college. My graduation is in 3 weeks! Maybe I'll be more ready as graduating day inches closer and closer... but for now, gotta enjoy every last minute that's left at Berkeley.
Lastly, just want to say a big THANK YOU to Moonkyung Kim, Helen Wu, James Fullmer, Kendrick Wong, Justin Yu, Dawson Tang, Sally Wong, Mommy+Daddy... you guys know why. And know that I REALLY appreciate you :] And thanks also to anyone else out there who has been praying for me. If you can, please keep praying; I really need it and would greatly appreciate it! And lemme know if you would like some prayer as well. Good night and have a WONDER-FULL week! :D
Do Hard Things
That's the title of a Christian book that I heard was pretty good. But I never read it so I wouldn't know myself.
But tomorrow morning I'm going to do a hard thing. At least for me, it's a very difficult thing to do. Something that I thought a lot about the latter part of this week and prayed about. Something that I wasn't planning on doing until Wednesday night. In the end, I am still not 100% comfortable about doing it but I figure this is a chance for me to die to my own comfort for the sake of showing love and support to a sister whom I love. This is a chance for God to stretch me so that I will be better prepared to face even harder things in the future.
Please pray for me. Please pray that I may have peace, that I need not feel fear or awkwardness or anxiety or discomfort. Please pray that I may focus on Him and be able to worship Him in full and in truth.
Again, I am just reminded that it's all about God. It's all about God and His gaze upon me. I could care less about what man might think or say.
Psalm 46:1 - God is [my] refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.
But tomorrow morning I'm going to do a hard thing. At least for me, it's a very difficult thing to do. Something that I thought a lot about the latter part of this week and prayed about. Something that I wasn't planning on doing until Wednesday night. In the end, I am still not 100% comfortable about doing it but I figure this is a chance for me to die to my own comfort for the sake of showing love and support to a sister whom I love. This is a chance for God to stretch me so that I will be better prepared to face even harder things in the future.
Please pray for me. Please pray that I may have peace, that I need not feel fear or awkwardness or anxiety or discomfort. Please pray that I may focus on Him and be able to worship Him in full and in truth.
Again, I am just reminded that it's all about God. It's all about God and His gaze upon me. I could care less about what man might think or say.
Psalm 46:1 - God is [my] refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Conversation with Daddy
20:59. That's how long I spent talking to daddy just at first, which already means a lot to me because he can be a man of few words sometimes. Or sometimes when we talk, I get the feeling that he's not interested in listening to what I want to say. He just came back last night from Macau/Hong Kong. My grandfather recently passed away so he went back to spend time with my grandma. I haven't talked to dad for almost three weeks and have missed him dearly. I really enjoyed and appreciated our conversation today. It really was very pleasant. I wish all our talks could always be like the one we had, with the same kind of love, caring, willingness, patience, and God-centeredness.
My favorite part of the conversation was towards the end when we were about to hang up:
Dad: (in Chinese) Okay, goodbye. Take care of yourself. (then in English) I... I love you.
Dad: I miss you too.
My favorite part of the conversation was towards the end when we were about to hang up:
Dad: (in Chinese) Okay, goodbye. Take care of yourself. (then in English) I... I love you.
Dad: I miss you too.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
ugh coffee...
At the SLC right now cramming for my midterm this afternoon. Its been another crazy busy week with many assignments and little sleep. After LG last night something came up (actually quite a few things) that stayed on my heart which prevented me from studying right away. Im praying about that thing(s) to this day. I'm drinking coffee right now just to keep myself awake. Feels like drinking poison. Normally I only put a little bit of coffee (like 1/5 of cup) and a while lotta milk (if and when I do drink coffee, which is seldom) but today was the total opposite. So right now I'm drinking super strong coffee, at least for me.
All I wanna do right now is get my exam over with (but do okay on it ofc) and going to sleep. I am soooo sleepy right now! God please show me Your grace right now and this afternoon.
All I wanna do right now is get my exam over with (but do okay on it ofc) and going to sleep. I am soooo sleepy right now! God please show me Your grace right now and this afternoon.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
I Love My Family
Sitting at my desk at work sucking on a cherry Jolly Ranger lollipop that Sam gave to me on Saturday from Golfland. I couldn't have asked God for a sweeter, more thoughtful little brother than Sam.
My mom is also the greatest, most loving, generous, compassionate, God-fearing, prayer warrior woman that I know. We talked on the phone last night for an hour and if it wasn't for the massive amount of schoolwork I had to do, we could've gone on longer. I never tire from talking with mom :)
And yay, tomorrow daddy is FINALLY coming back from Macau/Hong Kong. I wonder what he bought me... hahaha jk! I miss him and look forward to hearing his voice on the phone!
At the end of the day, family is the bestest most precious thing that I have (next to Jesus, of course).
My mom is also the greatest, most loving, generous, compassionate, God-fearing, prayer warrior woman that I know. We talked on the phone last night for an hour and if it wasn't for the massive amount of schoolwork I had to do, we could've gone on longer. I never tire from talking with mom :)
And yay, tomorrow daddy is FINALLY coming back from Macau/Hong Kong. I wonder what he bought me... hahaha jk! I miss him and look forward to hearing his voice on the phone!
At the end of the day, family is the bestest most precious thing that I have (next to Jesus, of course).
Sunday, April 18, 2010
So I basically came home after a looooong, tiring, but super fun and worth-it day (see previous post) about 1.5 hours ago. After I showered, I plop down on the couch, ready to resume working on my public health paper.
But a couple minutes ago, I checked my Calmail (which I should have checked earlier this evening) and found out that my huge public health paper research paper (topic: Rickets and Vitamin D deficiency), which was originally due this Monday April 19, is POSTPONED A WEEK AND NOW DUE ON APRIL 26!!!!! ^_________^
And then, before I found this out, I had received another email from Li Laoshi saying that we have no Chinese class this Monday because she is sick with pneumonia (poor Li Laoshi) but class will resume Wednesday. What this means for me is that my important research paper for Chinese + article reading + Chinese homework + Chinese test is all NOT due on Monday but rather, Wednesday!!!
WOWOWOWOW, God You are TRULY AMAZING!!! Soooo much grace, and what did I do to deserve this?!? I almost cannot believe it!!! This makes me so happy because:
1) I no longer have to pull an all-nighter tonight to work on my paper
2) I have more time to accomplish all the assignments I have and (hopefully) actually produce quality work
3) I can definitely attend the Starfield concert tomorrow night without feeling guilty or constantly thinking about work at the back of my head! :DDDDDD!!!
I know what I'm going to share tomorrow morning during our Time of Thanksgiving at church service :] THANK YOU GOD!
So I basically came home after a looooong, tiring, but super fun and worth-it day (see previous post) about 1.5 hours ago. After I showered, I plop down on the couch, ready to resume working on my public health paper.
But a couple minutes ago, I checked my Calmail (which I should have checked earlier this evening) and found out that my huge public health paper research paper (topic: Rickets and Vitamin D deficiency), which was originally due this Monday April 19, is POSTPONED A WEEK AND NOW DUE ON APRIL 26!!!!! ^_________^
And then, before I found this out, I had received another email from Li Laoshi saying that we have no Chinese class this Monday because she is sick with pneumonia (poor Li Laoshi) but class will resume Wednesday. What this means for me is that my important research paper for Chinese + article reading + Chinese homework + Chinese test is all NOT due on Monday but rather, Wednesday!!!
WOWOWOWOW, God You are TRULY AMAZING!!! Soooo much grace, and what did I do to deserve this?!? I almost cannot believe it!!! This makes me so happy because:
1) I no longer have to pull an all-nighter tonight to work on my paper
2) I have more time to accomplish all the assignments I have and (hopefully) actually produce quality work
3) I can definitely attend the Starfield concert tomorrow night without feeling guilty or constantly thinking about work at the back of my head! :DDDDDD!!!
I know what I'm going to share tomorrow morning during our Time of Thanksgiving at church service :] THANK YOU GOD!
Awesome Day :)
What an awesome day I had today!!! ~Saturday, April 17, 2010~
Woke up at 9:30am (slept an average of 3-4 hours PER DAY the past week -___-)
Cooked breakfast for Sam (Sam loved the veggie burger)
Went to Cal Day with Sam, got some freebies :]
Went to review session for Microbio at BCC
Rushed home to eat lunch (Sam loved my organic marinara pasta)
Went mini-golfing at Golfland with ICA in Castro Valley
Won a bunch of tickets from playing the arcade games (Sam did) and redeemed many cutesy prizes and lollipops
Went to Danny and Akemi's for the *afterparty*
Ate mini corn dogs, taquitos, red bell peppers, sugar cookies that Sam and mommy baked for ICA, chicken
Sat inside Danny and Akemi's closet to "work on my public health paper*" (epic fail, it's due on Monday and I'm still on Page 1...)
Sang worship sings with Helen and Moon while William played guitar
Played guitar with William
Played/learned guitar with Danny! He tried to teach me *striking/muting*
Got attacked by flying pillow thrown by Mike (got him back gooood with a bigger and heavier pillow, although I also unintentionally attacked innocent Nehemiah along the way =P)
Took lots of pictures of everyone
And now, I'm back in the closet again, attempting to work more on my paper after I finish writing this post.
But God, just want to say THANK YOU for such a blessed day, for all the fun. So super happy that Sam is having such a blast too. SUCH A BLAST. God, You really do complete me and give me so much joy, and for that I worship you forever! :D
Woke up at 9:30am (slept an average of 3-4 hours PER DAY the past week -___-)
Cooked breakfast for Sam (Sam loved the veggie burger)
Went to Cal Day with Sam, got some freebies :]
Went to review session for Microbio at BCC
Rushed home to eat lunch (Sam loved my organic marinara pasta)
Went mini-golfing at Golfland with ICA in Castro Valley
Won a bunch of tickets from playing the arcade games (Sam did) and redeemed many cutesy prizes and lollipops
Went to Danny and Akemi's for the *afterparty*
Ate mini corn dogs, taquitos, red bell peppers, sugar cookies that Sam and mommy baked for ICA, chicken
Sat inside Danny and Akemi's closet to "work on my public health paper*" (epic fail, it's due on Monday and I'm still on Page 1...)
Sang worship sings with Helen and Moon while William played guitar
Played guitar with William
Played/learned guitar with Danny! He tried to teach me *striking/muting*
Got attacked by flying pillow thrown by Mike (got him back gooood with a bigger and heavier pillow, although I also unintentionally attacked innocent Nehemiah along the way =P)
Took lots of pictures of everyone
And now, I'm back in the closet again, attempting to work more on my paper after I finish writing this post.
But God, just want to say THANK YOU for such a blessed day, for all the fun. So super happy that Sam is having such a blast too. SUCH A BLAST. God, You really do complete me and give me so much joy, and for that I worship you forever! :D
Friday, April 16, 2010
Biking Through the Spring Breeze
Went on my first real bike ride through Berkeley with my neighbor Gabe today. WEEEEE!!! IT WAS SOOOOO MUCH FUN!!! I thoroughly LOVED it... the feeling of doing something healthy for your body (biking is considered a type of "exercise" or "sport", you know?) and sparing the air of poisonous fumes (were I to drive instead), the gentle wind against my face, the lovely weather and the green trees and Spring atmosphere with blue skies and white clouds and the setting sun with a clear view of our Campanile bell tower in the distant... it was almost perfect. And I felt like being a kid again, just like when I was little, riding my tricycle through Golden Gate Park with my parents. :D
I LOVE biking :] Now I've got only one month left to enjoy this awesome hobby in Berkeley while I'm still here. Gonna try to use up this remaining month to the MAX!
Wanna go biking with me?
I LOVE biking :] Now I've got only one month left to enjoy this awesome hobby in Berkeley while I'm still here. Gonna try to use up this remaining month to the MAX!
Wanna go biking with me?
Graduation is Near
As of yesterday, I will be graduating in exactly ONE MONTH. May 15, 2010. 6:30pm, Zellerbach Auditorium. Lemme know if you wanna come and I can try to get you tickets.
I'm still having some difficulty wrapping my brain around the fact that I will no longer be an undergraduate college student in ONE MONTH. Scary. Exciting. I have no idea what will happen afterwards... CRAZY!
Yet I choose to TRUST IN THE LORD. Can't ever go wrong with doing that.
Jeremiah 17:7-8 and Proverbs 3:5-6
I'm still having some difficulty wrapping my brain around the fact that I will no longer be an undergraduate college student in ONE MONTH. Scary. Exciting. I have no idea what will happen afterwards... CRAZY!
Yet I choose to TRUST IN THE LORD. Can't ever go wrong with doing that.
Jeremiah 17:7-8 and Proverbs 3:5-6
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
The End is Near
The end of college for me, that is. Well, the end of my undergrad years at least. Hopefully (God willing) I can go onto graduate school sometime in the near future, namely nursing school.
Yesterday I bought my tassle. *tear* Mannn the tassle itself was only $8 but I ended up paying $13 because in order to get the drop-down button thingy that actually says "Class of 2010", you need to pay more. HOW LAME -_____- That little dinky button thingy should not cost $5 bucks. And as I was in the Cal Student Store, I looked around and saw all these COOL CAL MEMORABILIA and I wanted them. Wanted ALL of them. MUAHAHAHA! hehe but everything was super duper expensive, plus I figured I didn't really NEED anything. I just WANTED it. Especially a Cal waterbottle!!!!! But THAT I might actually need since I do not have a usable, sturdy, good water bottle at the moment. Please go on sale...
And right now I'm working on my very last Social Welfare policy paper of my undergrad career. Writing about low-income children and their lack of access to health care, which is a social problem that I am passionate about. Also examining SCHIP (State Children's Health Insurance Program), which is a dominant policy that addresses this area. Even though it's a pretty tough research paper, I'm trying to savor the process of researching and writing. Tough grader, too, as Professor Terrell is a Professor Emeritus who has tons and tons of Social Welfare policy experience under his belt. Also the author of one of our texts. (Such a cute old man btw, you should come to my SW112 lectures and see for yourself!)
Wow, what a full week this week, one of more to come in fact. 2 midterms, 2 papers, busy weekdays, booked weekends, little sleep.
Please continue to pray for Kyrgyzstan!
I'm going to start saying this over and over again in my posts to come but here goes the first time: I'M REALLY GONNA MISS CAL!!!!!
Yesterday I bought my tassle. *tear* Mannn the tassle itself was only $8 but I ended up paying $13 because in order to get the drop-down button thingy that actually says "Class of 2010", you need to pay more. HOW LAME -_____- That little dinky button thingy should not cost $5 bucks. And as I was in the Cal Student Store, I looked around and saw all these COOL CAL MEMORABILIA and I wanted them. Wanted ALL of them. MUAHAHAHA! hehe but everything was super duper expensive, plus I figured I didn't really NEED anything. I just WANTED it. Especially a Cal waterbottle!!!!! But THAT I might actually need since I do not have a usable, sturdy, good water bottle at the moment. Please go on sale...
And right now I'm working on my very last Social Welfare policy paper of my undergrad career. Writing about low-income children and their lack of access to health care, which is a social problem that I am passionate about. Also examining SCHIP (State Children's Health Insurance Program), which is a dominant policy that addresses this area. Even though it's a pretty tough research paper, I'm trying to savor the process of researching and writing. Tough grader, too, as Professor Terrell is a Professor Emeritus who has tons and tons of Social Welfare policy experience under his belt. Also the author of one of our texts. (Such a cute old man btw, you should come to my SW112 lectures and see for yourself!)
Wow, what a full week this week, one of more to come in fact. 2 midterms, 2 papers, busy weekdays, booked weekends, little sleep.
Please continue to pray for Kyrgyzstan!
I'm going to start saying this over and over again in my posts to come but here goes the first time: I'M REALLY GONNA MISS CAL!!!!!
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Sunday Lunch
It's pouring rain outside right now. YAY!!! Wow, can't believe that I'm actually glad it's raining because I normally am not too fond of the rain. But yeah... I don't really mind it if it rains for the next two weeks... but I hope that rains will cease after April 22. Carrying umbrellas and wearing boots is actually kind of... fun haha! And the sound of raindrops falling from the sky is actually pretty neat.
So I just had lunch at Sun Hong Kong with Moon, Mike, David, Akemi, Danny, Tim, Vieng, Sung, Sally, and Nehemiah. I'm really going to miss this lunch-after-church-service tradition when I graduate =( I love eating with the people I love, just talking and catching up and enjoying (good) food together. Just like a family :D
I guess I won't necessarily have to "miss" it if I decide to stick around or stay in ICA. Wherever God leads. For now, I'm just going to give thanks and enjoy every moment until the end.
So I just had lunch at Sun Hong Kong with Moon, Mike, David, Akemi, Danny, Tim, Vieng, Sung, Sally, and Nehemiah. I'm really going to miss this lunch-after-church-service tradition when I graduate =( I love eating with the people I love, just talking and catching up and enjoying (good) food together. Just like a family :D
I guess I won't necessarily have to "miss" it if I decide to stick around or stay in ICA. Wherever God leads. For now, I'm just going to give thanks and enjoy every moment until the end.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Chill Day
Broke fast this morning at 9am but ended up having diarrhea... twice =/
Was feeling quite famished last night but this morning I felt pretty okay. I think I could've lasted more than 30 hours w/o food but I figured I outta eat something since I would be taking a Chinese test for a couple hours later and needed energy for that. So I cooked three eggs and some corn and had some orange juice.
This morning from 9:30-11:30am I took this fancy-schmancy "Test of Proficiency-Huayu" along with my other "gao-ji" classmates (as Li Laoshi calls us). The exam actually costs $30 per student but we didn't have to pay (I think it's b/c of our "UC Berkeley" status). Twas quite a difficult exam with 120 questions, and I was at about #95 when they called time so I had to bubble in whatever at the end for ~25 questions... HOW LAME -_____- The listening part was difficult because they speak quickly and do not repeat the questions. And since I'm a native Cantonese speaker, sometimes I don't understand what the words mean in Mandarin. And now I feel that my Cantonese has sorta worsened because of Mandarin (I start saying stuff in Cantorin now). But I guess the cool part after the exam was that they let us keep the cool black pencils we used during the test :D
Right now I'm at the East Asian Library (after having gone to both VLSB AND Doe libraries, only to find that they're closed).
Have a feeling that today is gonna be pretty mellow and chill for me, which is fine since I have a ton of assignments and writing to do. The weather outside is quite gloomy as well, gray skies and cold air. I actually kinda hope that it pouring rains. Rain all that it wants until April 25 (or whenever daddy comes back from Macau).
Drawing near to my sweet Jesus during this TAWG.
Was feeling quite famished last night but this morning I felt pretty okay. I think I could've lasted more than 30 hours w/o food but I figured I outta eat something since I would be taking a Chinese test for a couple hours later and needed energy for that. So I cooked three eggs and some corn and had some orange juice.
This morning from 9:30-11:30am I took this fancy-schmancy "Test of Proficiency-Huayu" along with my other "gao-ji" classmates (as Li Laoshi calls us). The exam actually costs $30 per student but we didn't have to pay (I think it's b/c of our "UC Berkeley" status). Twas quite a difficult exam with 120 questions, and I was at about #95 when they called time so I had to bubble in whatever at the end for ~25 questions... HOW LAME -_____- The listening part was difficult because they speak quickly and do not repeat the questions. And since I'm a native Cantonese speaker, sometimes I don't understand what the words mean in Mandarin. And now I feel that my Cantonese has sorta worsened because of Mandarin (I start saying stuff in Cantorin now). But I guess the cool part after the exam was that they let us keep the cool black pencils we used during the test :D
Right now I'm at the East Asian Library (after having gone to both VLSB AND Doe libraries, only to find that they're closed).
Have a feeling that today is gonna be pretty mellow and chill for me, which is fine since I have a ton of assignments and writing to do. The weather outside is quite gloomy as well, gray skies and cold air. I actually kinda hope that it pouring rains. Rain all that it wants until April 25 (or whenever daddy comes back from Macau).
Drawing near to my sweet Jesus during this TAWG.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Never Done Its
Things that I have never done or experienced before as of April 2010 (what I can think of at the moment):
1) Wear nail polish
2) Cheat (like copy homework or cheat on a test)
3) Drink beer, smoke, or do drugs
4) Have a boyfriend*
5) Do extreme sports like skiing, bunjy-jumping, sky-diving
6) Dye my hair
7) Go to a bar
8) Get a ticket (for speeding, parking, etc)
9) Forget my parents' or Sam's birthdays
10) Have hair as short as a boy's
11) Go without food for over 30 hours*
12) Ride a motorcycle*
13) Own a car!!!***
14) Be REALLY surprised or WOWed*
15) Watch a whole episode of Pokemon
16) Finish reading any of John Piper's books*
17) Buy popcorn (nor any concession foods) at the movies
18) Have a pet besides fish or guppies
19) Buy a purse or handbag (the girly kind)*
20) Hate someone to the point that I never want to forgive or talk to them again
...I'm sure there are more but that's all I can think of so far...
*These are things that I have not done/experienced YET but would like to someday :D
1) Wear nail polish
2) Cheat (like copy homework or cheat on a test)
3) Drink beer, smoke, or do drugs
4) Have a boyfriend*
5) Do extreme sports like skiing, bunjy-jumping, sky-diving
6) Dye my hair
7) Go to a bar
8) Get a ticket (for speeding, parking, etc)
9) Forget my parents' or Sam's birthdays
10) Have hair as short as a boy's
11) Go without food for over 30 hours*
12) Ride a motorcycle*
13) Own a car!!!***
14) Be REALLY surprised or WOWed*
15) Watch a whole episode of Pokemon
16) Finish reading any of John Piper's books*
17) Buy popcorn (nor any concession foods) at the movies
18) Have a pet besides fish or guppies
19) Buy a purse or handbag (the girly kind)*
20) Hate someone to the point that I never want to forgive or talk to them again
...I'm sure there are more but that's all I can think of so far...
*These are things that I have not done/experienced YET but would like to someday :D
My Parents Will Flip...
... if they find out how many times I've (accidentally!) dropped my phone. And each time I do, I feel soooo badly and my heart cringes because I REALLY don't mean to be careless and clumsy. For some reason, my phone just "slips" outta my hand and falls to the floor... or someone walks by and their backpack hits my hand (which so happens to be holding my phone at that very moment) and sends my phone flying across the cement (happened on my way to work Wed)... or I put my backpack on a chair and my phone slides outta the side pocket onto the hard floor (happened in the bathroom at school today)... or Sam drops it at a restaurant (happened last week in Berkeley, I think)...
In any case, so SORRY phone!
Today I'm fasting, or trying to. Food and semi-media fast. God, I want to look at You and focus on You today.
In any case, so SORRY phone!
Today I'm fasting, or trying to. Food and semi-media fast. God, I want to look at You and focus on You today.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Random Happenings Today
I have this huge painful magenta bruise on my right hand above my wrist. Some punk walked by me down in lower Sproul today and his skateboard hit my hand HARD. And he didn't even turn around to say sorry. Owwwey... it really hurts. ='( Already have to wear a wrist brace on my left arm due to inflammation of the nerves (aka pre-carpel tunnel syndrome) and now this. Grrreat...
On my way to the post office today to snail mail some VSET support letters (and a T-shirt for James), I found a dime on the floor.
On my way to the VLSB library from the post office, I found a nickel on the floor.
Yay, someone sponsored me $20 for VSET today! PTL! :D
Bumped into someone whom I haven't seen or talked to in awhile and we got to catch up for a bit :] He told me he got a great internship this summer that would pay $10K. WOWZERS, praise the Lord for opening so many doors for him!
Gchatted with Sam online today. He's 12 (turning 13 next month!) but still soooooo cute! Always gonna be my baby brother in my heart... even when he's like 52! Haha okay, I take that back... maybe not baby brother but little brother forsure.
During Gospel choir, one of my fellow Soprano II friends turned around (she was sitting in the row in front of me) and asked me:
Friend: Frances, do you know if they sell underwear at Walgreen's?
Me (alarmed): WHAT?!
Friend: Like anything, Hanes? Fruit of the Loom?
Me (still a bit shocked that she would ask such a question outloud): Ummmmm, I think so. You should try Target...
Friend: I ran out. I need underwear right now because I don't have time to do laundry.
*silent giggles and laughter*
Ughhh I really was NOT going to vote this time in the ASUC elections but after thinking about it a lot and talking to some people who I really trust and respect, I decided to vote. I entrust the coming years of UC Berkeley in God's hands.
On my way to the post office today to snail mail some VSET support letters (and a T-shirt for James), I found a dime on the floor.
On my way to the VLSB library from the post office, I found a nickel on the floor.
Yay, someone sponsored me $20 for VSET today! PTL! :D
Bumped into someone whom I haven't seen or talked to in awhile and we got to catch up for a bit :] He told me he got a great internship this summer that would pay $10K. WOWZERS, praise the Lord for opening so many doors for him!
Gchatted with Sam online today. He's 12 (turning 13 next month!) but still soooooo cute! Always gonna be my baby brother in my heart... even when he's like 52! Haha okay, I take that back... maybe not baby brother but little brother forsure.
During Gospel choir, one of my fellow Soprano II friends turned around (she was sitting in the row in front of me) and asked me:
Friend: Frances, do you know if they sell underwear at Walgreen's?
Me (alarmed): WHAT?!
Friend: Like anything, Hanes? Fruit of the Loom?
Me (still a bit shocked that she would ask such a question outloud): Ummmmm, I think so. You should try Target...
Friend: I ran out. I need underwear right now because I don't have time to do laundry.
*silent giggles and laughter*
Ughhh I really was NOT going to vote this time in the ASUC elections but after thinking about it a lot and talking to some people who I really trust and respect, I decided to vote. I entrust the coming years of UC Berkeley in God's hands.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
These are some of the major lessons God has been teaching me over the past few days. Some moments it's easier to do, and then there are those times when it's super hard and you just wanna do the exact opposite. Instead of forgiving, you wanna hold a grudge and bear resentment. Instead of loving, you wanna hate (or intensely dislike) and be mean or reciprocate the evil act. And instead of being humble, you wanna be proud and self-centered and make it all about you.
But God is really challenging me to do things His way, which is the BEST way. He's really challenging me to forgive and accept, to show love and grace just as Jesus did, and to humble myself before God with a broken spirit so that I can meet with Him. Thank you, God, for all these valuable lessons you are teaching me, for never failing to use any and every opportunity to have me learn something, to grow me in my character.
Though I was very fatigued and suffered from a terrible headache and back pain today, God really blessed the time of discipleship that I had with Sally today. I was also very moved by David's message tonight at Large Group. So good!
Thank you for the sun today, God. I cannot wait until the days of summer with the warm sunny bright yellow SUN! :D
But God is really challenging me to do things His way, which is the BEST way. He's really challenging me to forgive and accept, to show love and grace just as Jesus did, and to humble myself before God with a broken spirit so that I can meet with Him. Thank you, God, for all these valuable lessons you are teaching me, for never failing to use any and every opportunity to have me learn something, to grow me in my character.
Though I was very fatigued and suffered from a terrible headache and back pain today, God really blessed the time of discipleship that I had with Sally today. I was also very moved by David's message tonight at Large Group. So good!
Thank you for the sun today, God. I cannot wait until the days of summer with the warm sunny bright yellow SUN! :D
Monday, April 5, 2010
This morning, I am wearing my gray CSF State Championships sweatshirt that I've had since senior year of high school. It's actually one of my favorite sweatshirts of all time because it always reminds me of the time when my varsity girls 4x100m relay team made it to the Track and Field State Trials during my senior year at Lowell and how I got to run anchor (4th leg). However, we totally got pulverized during trials (dead last... literally smoked) and did not stand a chance of making it into the finals. But it was still super cool because AT LEAST we even made it to trials, and I think our coach was super glad because we hadn't made it to state trials for the past 7 years or something like that.
I'm actually quite thankful for the many fond memories and experiences I had during my senior year of high school. And now, four years later, I'm a senior in college making more fond memories and experiences (as well as bad ones). What a blessing!
But getting back to the "WOWZ" part... so I'm sitting here at my desk at work as I notice that the sleeves of my sweatshirt are EXTREMELY dirty. I see brown chocolate stains as a result of somebody wiping his mouth on my sleeve (!!!!!), yellow highlighter mark, and just grayish stuff creating the impression of extremely dirty sleeves... eckkkkk! I am embarrassed to walk around in this sweatshirt today with such dirty sleeves because when it comes to hygiene, I am NOT a dirty girl! Aish, I hope nobody notices...
The one responsible for this is a little 12-year old boy who goes by the name of SammyBoy, whom I lent my sweatshirt to this past weekend while he was in Berkeley.
Thanks a lot, Samuel -______-
I'm actually quite thankful for the many fond memories and experiences I had during my senior year of high school. And now, four years later, I'm a senior in college making more fond memories and experiences (as well as bad ones). What a blessing!
But getting back to the "WOWZ" part... so I'm sitting here at my desk at work as I notice that the sleeves of my sweatshirt are EXTREMELY dirty. I see brown chocolate stains as a result of somebody wiping his mouth on my sleeve (!!!!!), yellow highlighter mark, and just grayish stuff creating the impression of extremely dirty sleeves... eckkkkk! I am embarrassed to walk around in this sweatshirt today with such dirty sleeves because when it comes to hygiene, I am NOT a dirty girl! Aish, I hope nobody notices...
The one responsible for this is a little 12-year old boy who goes by the name of SammyBoy, whom I lent my sweatshirt to this past weekend while he was in Berkeley.
Thanks a lot, Samuel -______-
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Emotionally Drained
1) roommate drama
2) possibly not going to China this summer for missions
3) beginning to get sick/under the weather
4) finding out last minute that daddy is going to be in Hong Kong/Macau for 2.5 weeks and lacking accessible mode of communication (maybe no phone or Internet)
5) sudden death of friend's father
6) getting angry, feeling jipped, carrying a heavy heart, crying tears
Need to cling onto John 16:33 and FOCUS ON JESUS. Lord, help me to persevere and help me to look to You.
"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."
2) possibly not going to China this summer for missions
3) beginning to get sick/under the weather
4) finding out last minute that daddy is going to be in Hong Kong/Macau for 2.5 weeks and lacking accessible mode of communication (maybe no phone or Internet)
5) sudden death of friend's father
6) getting angry, feeling jipped, carrying a heavy heart, crying tears
Need to cling onto John 16:33 and FOCUS ON JESUS. Lord, help me to persevere and help me to look to You.
"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."
His Resurrection
...brings salvation, life, and eternal hope to mankind!!!
So thankful for my awesome high-quality super duper cool ICA brothers: Mike Thai, Brandon, Nehemiah, Tim, and Jeremiah for taking care of Sam today and being so hospitable and showing so much kindness and grace. I REALLLLLLY appreciate and love you guys from the bottom of my heart. And I had a ton of fun eating, playing, "trying to be sarcastic and bad like Mike", laughing, and just having genuine fellowship with you all tonight. THANK YOU :]
THANK YOU FOR THE CROSS, Jesus Christ! Happy Easter everyone, Jesus is risen indeed!
So thankful for my awesome high-quality super duper cool ICA brothers: Mike Thai, Brandon, Nehemiah, Tim, and Jeremiah for taking care of Sam today and being so hospitable and showing so much kindness and grace. I REALLLLLLY appreciate and love you guys from the bottom of my heart. And I had a ton of fun eating, playing, "trying to be sarcastic and bad like Mike", laughing, and just having genuine fellowship with you all tonight. THANK YOU :]
THANK YOU FOR THE CROSS, Jesus Christ! Happy Easter everyone, Jesus is risen indeed!
Friday, April 2, 2010
Letter From Sam(What is up!!!!)
Dear Sister,
Since you are graduating, you should get a boyfriend. See what guy you like and hang out with him. I do not want to get married, so you will be the person who passes on the family line.
So, Sorry!!!!:> You are the only one getting married. Sammyboy
Since you are graduating, you should get a boyfriend. See what guy you like and hang out with him. I do not want to get married, so you will be the person who passes on the family line.
So, Sorry!!!!:> You are the only one getting married. Sammyboy
His Death + Isaiah 53
Right now I'm in Moffitt Library (the underground mainstacks area) studying with Christine. I just had lunch at Gypsy's with Sam, Linda, and Helen (Dawson and Christine joined us a little later).
I think I'm beginning to get sick, probably because of stress and being a bit under the (rainy) weather. My throat felt kinda funky when I woke up this morning, plus I'm feeling slightly headachy and sore and fatigued, and I've been blowing my nose all day and it feels hot inside my nasal cavity.
Today is Good Friday. About 2000 years ago, Someone died a painful death on a cross. You could call it an "unjust" death, since He did absolutely nothing wrong to deserve it (nor any of the ridicule, floggings, torture, and sufferings beforehand). Those who are ignorant may think of what He did as sillyness or stupidity. But me, I see His death as the ultimate act of love and sacrifice from God and utterly perfect obedience of the Son.
For it was the death of Jesus Christ (and His RESURRECTION three days later!) that brought forgiveness of sins and salvation of souls to mankind.
Isaiah 53
5 But he was pierced for our transgressions,
he was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace was upon him,
and by his wounds we are healed.
6 We all, like sheep, have gone astray,
each of us has turned to his own way;
and the LORD has laid on him
the iniquity of us all.
7 He was oppressed and afflicted,
yet he did not open his mouth;
he was led like a lamb to the slaughter,
and as a sheep before her shearers is silent,
so he did not open his mouth.
I think I'm beginning to get sick, probably because of stress and being a bit under the (rainy) weather. My throat felt kinda funky when I woke up this morning, plus I'm feeling slightly headachy and sore and fatigued, and I've been blowing my nose all day and it feels hot inside my nasal cavity.
Today is Good Friday. About 2000 years ago, Someone died a painful death on a cross. You could call it an "unjust" death, since He did absolutely nothing wrong to deserve it (nor any of the ridicule, floggings, torture, and sufferings beforehand). Those who are ignorant may think of what He did as sillyness or stupidity. But me, I see His death as the ultimate act of love and sacrifice from God and utterly perfect obedience of the Son.
For it was the death of Jesus Christ (and His RESURRECTION three days later!) that brought forgiveness of sins and salvation of souls to mankind.
Isaiah 53
5 But he was pierced for our transgressions,
he was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace was upon him,
and by his wounds we are healed.
6 We all, like sheep, have gone astray,
each of us has turned to his own way;
and the LORD has laid on him
the iniquity of us all.
7 He was oppressed and afflicted,
yet he did not open his mouth;
he was led like a lamb to the slaughter,
and as a sheep before her shearers is silent,
so he did not open his mouth.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Adventures with Sam =)
Gee whiz, boy am I super duper tired and sleepy.
I actually went to bed at 6:30am this morning, meaning that I didn't really sleep at all "last night" but rather, at the crack of dawn this morning. The reason for this was I was typing up this take-home assignment for my Microbiology class, which ended up being 6 pages and took a looooong time, though I did learn a great deal about MRSA (Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus ), which is a pretty nasty bacterial disease, as well as other bacterial diseases that invade the respiratory tract.
I can't believe I slept at 6:30 and woke up at 9:30 this morning. Only three hours of sleep. WOW. I literally felt like -______- all day. But I'm pretty content right now because I'm in my apartment with my little brother, Sam. I love him sooooooooo super duper much. He's on his Spring Break and as promised, he's staying with me at Berkeley and sleeping over for a few nights. He's very excited to be here in Berkeley. Ooooh and this morning on my loooong bus ride to SF, I prayed for a lot of people. For my mom, dad, Sam, Jessel and her family, the rest of senior year and that I seek God's will, and for my brothers. 'Twas quite a pleasant time communicating with God :D
So today I brought Sam to my Microbiology lecture as well as Gospel Choir. In between the day, we ate dinner at McDonald's. We also went to Yogurtland because Sam reallllly wanted frozen yogurt (even though he's not really supposed to eat cold stuff since he has asthma and has to use albuterol). It just brings me so much joy being with Sam. He is such a happy, energetic, expressive, sweet kid who loves to have fun and often times brightens my mood. Today he taught me what a "NORK" is: a nerd that can contaminate you and lower your rank. HAHAHA!
What a busy week back from Spring Break. Finally a little bit of down time to unwind. Right now I'm importing some awesome CDs (generously lent to me by my friend David from Socal) onto my iTunes, which I'm gonna transfer later onto my iTouch. YAY! I'm so excited for new worship songs!!! I really like Jeremy Camp, Hillsong, Starfield, Lincoln Brewster (but they are definitely NOT my idols or anything)... and there's this dude/band Leland which I don't really know yet but I guess I'll check him/them out...
I'm glad that Sam's here for the next few days. Looking forward to going on adventures with my little brother.

I actually went to bed at 6:30am this morning, meaning that I didn't really sleep at all "last night" but rather, at the crack of dawn this morning. The reason for this was I was typing up this take-home assignment for my Microbiology class, which ended up being 6 pages and took a looooong time, though I did learn a great deal about MRSA (Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus ), which is a pretty nasty bacterial disease, as well as other bacterial diseases that invade the respiratory tract.
I can't believe I slept at 6:30 and woke up at 9:30 this morning. Only three hours of sleep. WOW. I literally felt like -______- all day. But I'm pretty content right now because I'm in my apartment with my little brother, Sam. I love him sooooooooo super duper much. He's on his Spring Break and as promised, he's staying with me at Berkeley and sleeping over for a few nights. He's very excited to be here in Berkeley. Ooooh and this morning on my loooong bus ride to SF, I prayed for a lot of people. For my mom, dad, Sam, Jessel and her family, the rest of senior year and that I seek God's will, and for my brothers. 'Twas quite a pleasant time communicating with God :D
So today I brought Sam to my Microbiology lecture as well as Gospel Choir. In between the day, we ate dinner at McDonald's. We also went to Yogurtland because Sam reallllly wanted frozen yogurt (even though he's not really supposed to eat cold stuff since he has asthma and has to use albuterol). It just brings me so much joy being with Sam. He is such a happy, energetic, expressive, sweet kid who loves to have fun and often times brightens my mood. Today he taught me what a "NORK" is: a nerd that can contaminate you and lower your rank. HAHAHA!
What a busy week back from Spring Break. Finally a little bit of down time to unwind. Right now I'm importing some awesome CDs (generously lent to me by my friend David from Socal) onto my iTunes, which I'm gonna transfer later onto my iTouch. YAY! I'm so excited for new worship songs!!! I really like Jeremy Camp, Hillsong, Starfield, Lincoln Brewster (but they are definitely NOT my idols or anything)... and there's this dude/band Leland which I don't really know yet but I guess I'll check him/them out...
I'm glad that Sam's here for the next few days. Looking forward to going on adventures with my little brother.
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