Saturday, January 30, 2010
The Big Apple
So during the Planning Committee meeting today, I think I ate possibly one of the biggest Fuji apples of my life. Dude, this baby was HUGE. Like H-U-G-E. Well, not like the size of a pumpkin or anything but more like a... ummm... well, I can't think of anything to compare the size of this apple to right now. But yeah, that Fuji I ate was just a big apple... wish I took a picture of that monster before I devoured it. And it took me like an hour to finish eating it! I took like 50 bites total, and each bite took a while for me to chew and swallow. It was a sweet and juicy apple though. Fujis are simply the best apples.
Oh great, just found out we're going OT for the meeting. It was supposed to end at 5pm but we're ending at 6pm... X_X... soooo tired....
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Blue and Gold Yearbook?
Frances Leong,
According to our records, you were not photographed during the first quarter to have your graduate portrait included in the 2010 Blue and Gold Portrait.
You do, however, have another chance. Portraits will again be taken in the Bookstore the week of February 1-5. Sign up now while spaces are still available!!!
The 2010 Blue & Gold is the only permanent historical record of the 2009-2010 year at UC Berkeley. Our 100% full color award winning publication covers thousands of photos as well as comprehensive sections on academic, residential, and student life. The senior section will contain portraits of the graduating class (hopefully including you) plus coverage of commencement .
Signing up for your session is easy. To reserve your appointment, you will need to create an online account at our photographer's web site
Photo sessions are ONLY $5.00, and other more extensive options are available for only nominal fees. There is no excuse for not having your portrait included in your 2010 yearbook!!!
Your 2010 Blue and Gold Yearbook Staff
So when I graduated from middle and high school, of course I purchased a yearbook and got a buncha people to sign it and write their goodbyes and what not for memories sake and to remember what kinds of activities I was involved in (i.e. government, orchestra, service organizations, etc), and I actually thought that it would surely be the same way in college: buy a yearbook during senior year... UNTIL I realized that 1) the yearbook is SUPER expensive, 2) there are like zillions of Berkeley students (let alone, your graduating class) and you probably dunno the majority of them, 3) you're most likely not involved in nearly as many activities/clubs as you were in high school so don't even expect to find your face in more than one page of the yearbook, 4) most graduates don't even seem to purchase a yearbook!
But mannn, that email sent out by the Blue and Gold Yearbook Staff sure sounded persuasive... now I dunno if I should get a yearbook or not... what do you think? And if I don't end up getting a yearbook, should I even bother paying $5.00 to have my picture taken so that it SHOWS UP in the yearbook??
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
First Tardy of the Year
This morning, I was woken up by a call from my mother at around 7:21am. Then 9 minutes later, my cell phone alarm obnoxiously rings by my ear. Last night I had set my alarm for 7:30am this morning because I had to wake up early to finish my Chinese homework. The assignment was to write responses/answer questions to three readings we did for class. (Right now I'm taking Chinese 112 , which is the second semester of 5th year Chinese. The class is pretty intense and challenging, but I enjoy it for the most part and it's quite rewarding in the end. Looking at the syllabus on the first day of Chinese, I did feel a bit overwhelmed and thought, "MAN, I'm soooo gonna get OWNED by this class..." but thankfully, it's been manageable.) Instead of popping up out of bed right away, I decide to snooze for half an hour and grudgingly pull myself out of bed at 8:00am. (I'm also a bit under the weather with a cold so I haven't been feeling too hot these past couple of days =/ )
After brushing my teeth, I get cracking on my Chinese homework. Mannn, who knew that it would take like two hours... I look at the clock and it's like 9:57am and I was STILL working on answering the last question, when I should have already been OUT OF MY APARTMENT like 10 minutes ago, on my way to Haviland Hall, which is also one of the farthest buildings near the North side of campus.
I finally finish typing up my Chinese homework (and remember, this is typing in pinyin, so it takes me double-time than typing in English). I dash to the kitchen and whip myself up a peanut butter sandwich (stomach was starving because I hadn't eaten breakfast), get dressed, leave the apartment, come back to the apartment because I forgot to get some Tylenol for my cold, leave the apartment again, walk in the bitter coldness of a Berkeley winter all the way to Haviland Hall.
By the time I got to the classroom, it was like 10:40am. And the door was locked! I turned the knob so that it made a sound and somebody opened the door to let me in. When I entered, all/most eyes were on me, including that of the Professor who was already lecturing and the GSIs (embarrassing...) The bad thing was that this wasn't even a HUGE lecture class... just a normal classroom of about 50 students. I glanced around quickly and spotted no empty seats so I park my butt on the floor next to a friend (she was actually my freshman year roommate in the dorms). Then she turns to me and quietly whispers, "Frances, there's an empty seat in the corner". I look over and see the empty chair... Niiice, I thought to myself.
Even though I was like 40 minutes late to class, I found out that the professor had only lectured on a total three slides from the Powerpoint (phew!). We then spent the rest of class talking about "The Size, Scope, and Composition of the Welfare State". I even raised my hand near the end and asked a question about Social Security. All in all, it was a pretty okay second class lecture of the semester, minus the part about me being late.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
ICA Winter Conference 2010 Sharing
Over the long weekend, I attended my first ICA Winter Conference. It was such a huge blessing for me. I really enjoyed the messages given by Pastor Fred Wevodau, the workshops led by various staff members, and meeting and fellowshipping with brothers and sisters from different campuses, as well as spending more time and getting to know my brothers and sisters from Berkeley campus better. Originally, I wasn’t even sure if I would be attending Winter Conference because of various reasons. Firstly, I guess you could say that I was a bit “conferenced-out”, having already attended another Christian conference (West Coast Chinese Christian Conference) which I helped plan as well as another retreat with my fellowship back home during winterbreak. Another inhibition was due to financial reasons, since I had already spent a lot of money on retreats/conferences/things of the like in December. And even though I knew that WC would be really good and that I’ll probably meet a bunch of people and everything (from what I’ve heard from people who’ve attended in the past), I really wanted to make sure that my heart was in the right place and that I was going for the right reasons, if I did plan to attend. So after praying to God about it, consulting with my mom, and asking Sally about what she thought (and her response was asking me if it would be beneficial for me and would it be an opportunity to bless others and be blessed?), I decided to attend WC. Since I am new to ICA, I already knew that I would know nobody at the conference besides all the Berkeley people, but thankfully God gave me the courage and ease to not feel nervous or awkward about that. I’m really thankful for the opportunity to have bonded well with the girls in my small group as well as some of the other people I met through one-on-one times during meals as well as encouragement cards we were able to write to one another.
The theme of WC this year was “Sold Out for Jesus”, and the main passage that Pastor Wevodau concentrated on was John 15: 1-17. He gave a total of four messages, which were 1) Turning from Idolatry – Jesus the True Vine; 2) Embracing our Identity – You are Already Clean; 3) Pursuing Intimacy – Abide in Christ; and 4) Partnering for Impact – Go and Bear Fruit. I was certainly blessed by his messages, not only because he was able to preach in a way that really captured the attention of his audience (especially with the real life experiences and examples he used) but also because the things he talked about really hit home for me, especially the first two sessions about idolatry and identity. I remember Pastor Wevodau giving a definition for the word “idolatry” as “extreme admiration or fanatical devotion to somebody or something”. Hearing that really shook me to the core because idolatry is something that I’ve been struggling with for a long time now, and God has made this sin more apparent to me starting last semester. Hearing the definition of idolatry laid out like that made it even more real to me. During small group sharing, my small group leader asked me, “What do you think is your biggest idol?” I found that I had a hard time answering because I had so many idols in the past and even present: my old church/fellowship, winning man’s approval, the need to control my future and be successful, future spouse, etc… they’re all pretty bad, so what can possibly be the biggest out of all of them? When I shared about all these idols, a sister gently pointed out that for the longest time, her greatest idol was herself. And suddenly, it was as if something clicked in my head and I experienced a great epiphany. Wow. The biggest idol in my life is my own self! Knowing this truth was definitely a powerful discovery. I realized that all the things that I have idolated all served the purpose of bringing me satisfaction, wealth, glory, and acceptance from man. Everything revolved around ME. As I confessed to God, to my sisters, and to myself that the greatest idol in my life is my own self, I felt very selfish, evil, and sinful to be yearning for all those things and elevating them above God. As Pastor Wevodau quotes, there are many counterfeit sources of life (idols), things that feel safe and controllable, but it is only Jesus who is the true vine, the true giver of life. After my sharing, all the sisters in my small group including my small group leader all hovered around me and laid hands over me to pray for me.
Another topic that Pastor Wevodau talked about was identity, which is something that I’ve always had issues with. In the past, I found my identity in all the wrong places, such as my accomplishments and competence, activities that I’m involved in (such as clubs, organizations, and even ministry/church), my busy schedule as a student, etc. I was quite performance-and-good-works driven and found self-worth according to the world’s standards, in addition to the perfectionistically high standards that I often set for myself. I also struggled a lot with guilt and fear, always falling into the trap of self condemnation whenever I messed up or sinned against God or people. Pastor Wevodau challenged us with two questions, “Are you a sinner trying to be a saint? Or are you a saint who sins?” Initially, I thought I was clearly the former, a sinner trying to be a saint. But P.W. said that people who are that way view sin as a huge obstacle that they have to overcome themselves in order to win God’s favor. But as John 15:3 reads, “You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you.” Thus, since we have already been purchased by the blood of Jesus Christ, we are no longer seen as unclean sinners before God but rather, saints who are already made clean. Therefore, we can all be seen as saints who sin rather than sinners trying to be saints. And in terms of my identity of who I am, instead of seeing myself through the common lenses used by the world, I hope to continue to find my identity in being my child-of-God self.
In the “Pursuing Intimacy – Abide with Christ” session, one thing that I got out of it was that people often like to be productive with their time and thus, want to get a lot of things done. There’s constantly a battle between the high performance dynamic and the simplicity of abiding in Christ. However, P.W. encouraged us to “creatively waste time with God”, whether it be through quiet times, or taking walks and enjoying God’s creation, or meditating on His word, or just “chilling”. I thought that was pretty cool. Another thing that was mentioned was how it is every woman’s fear to be undesirable. Or perhaps people in general (men and women) have this fear, which causes us to wonder, “Are we desirable? Are we worth pursuing?”, which often times lead to role reversals (such as women pursuing men instead of the other way around). But God wants us to know that for Him, there shall be no role reversal, for He is the Divine Pursuer and He chases after us because He wants to know us and love us.
On the second day of the conference, there was also a time where brothers and sisters separated and did a gender-specific activity. The sisters spent time in Isaiah 43 and did the “trust-fall” where each of us had to go onstage, read Isaiah 43:1-4 out loud, and fall backwards with a straight back like a plank into the sturdy arms of many sisters who were to catch the falling sister. I was the first one appointed to go and in all honesty, even though I really wanted to “trust” my sisters and even knew in my heart that “of course they’re not gonna let me fall”, somehow when I got onstage my heart was beating fast and legs were trembling in fear. As I was reading Isaiah 43:1-4 during that terrifying moment onstage, I barely soaked in what I was reading. But today, as I was doing my quiet time in the morning on the same passage, I was really able to marinate in God’s sweet words and felt so dearly loved. (read from journal condensed version of Isaiah 43:1-4)
“Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned… For I am the Lord, your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior; I give Egypt for your ransom, Cush and Seba in your stead. Since you are precious and honored in my sight, and because I LOVE YOU, I will give men in exchange for you, and people in exchange for your life.”
So many times we hear phrases like, “God loves you!” and “You are so loved by God!”, but where does it actually say so in the Bible? So I thought it was super cool how in Isaiah 43:4, God directly tells us, “…because I love you…”!
So I've made many commitments throughout this Winterbreak as well as during Winter Conference, commitments that I sincerely hope to keep with the help and grace of my God. One huge commitment that I have resolved to make is to give my heart fully to Jesus. Before I even start thinking about surviving this semester with flying colors or applying to nursing school or going on overseas missions or investing in a relationship with someone or anything in the tomorrow, I want to completely surrender my heart to Jesus and be submissive and obedient to His call. I ask that all my desires and yearnings and thoughts of ME ME ME just fade away as the call from Jesus may become louder and clearer.
(Sorry, this last paragraph is sort of a repeat of the ending of my previous blog entry, but I needed to wrap up this sharing somehow. Plus, I don't think anyone in my fellowship reads my blog or even knows that I started one =P)
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
WholeHEARTedly His
Sigh. School starts in 7 hours, 12 mins. So my last semester in college has arrived, and I can say that for the first time I'm actually not that ecstatic about starting school =/, which is pretty odd considering I'm a person who LOVES school and learning.
So I've made many commitments throughout this Winterbreak as well as during Winter Conference, commitments that I sincerely hope to keep with the help and grace of my God. One huge commitment that I have resolved to make is to give my heart fully to Jesus. Before I even start thinking about surviving this semester with flying colors or applying to nursing school or going on overseas missions or investing in a relationship with a boy or anything in the tomorrow, I want to completely surrender my heart to Jesus and be submissive and obedient to His call. I ask that all my desires and yearnings and thoughts of ME ME ME just fade away as the call from Jesus becomes louder and clearer.
Jesus, I'm wholeheartedly yours. Take me, ALL of me!
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Long Live Lowell High School!
This is also what the Lowell Alumni Newsletter says:
"In related news, the College Board reports that Lowell's Advanced Placement program is the second-largest in the world, based upon total exams administered in May 2009."
WOWZERS! O_O Although I did endure some unspeakable academic hardships and stresses throughout my time at Lowell (I'm sure you know what I mean if you were a Lowellite, too), I do look back with fond memories and am thankful for all the educational opportunities and extracurricular activities that were made available to me during my four years in high school.
Hmmm I wonder if Sam is gonna go to Lowell. And I wonder when my Class of 2006 reunion is gonna be... it's been almost four years since high school graduation!
Monday, January 11, 2010
Nice Quote
"A woman's heart should be so lost in God that a man needs to seek Him in order to find her."
Lately, I've also been meditating a lot on Proverbs 4:23:
"Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life."
Sunday, January 10, 2010
I'm Moving...
So after graduation, I sort of want to move to Hawaii or Macau or Socal. Someplace sunny and warmer than San Francisco, that's for sure. It's freeeeeezing cold here all the time (thankfully, Berkeley's warmer). Oftentimes I imagine how life would be like far far away from home.
And every time Sam calls me fat or ugly or makes fun of my lousy parking, or when I get into a heated argument with my mom and dad, I want to move out all the more. Kinda.
But then I know I'll probably end up missing my parents and good ol' Sammyboy a lot after I move. Sigh.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
First Tears of the New Year
I'm not saying that I'm a total cry-baby, but sometimes I can be an emotional person. For instance, if I see something really sad and heart-gripping, or hear about the plight and exploitation of innocent people in Third World Countries (ever hear about the black market organ trade that goes on in the Philippines?), or if something really messed-up and unjust happens to me and nobody seems to understand or believe me, I will cry. And of course, when I (unintentionally) hurt somebody or make someone mad or upset or disappointed in me. But these days, the tears don't come outta my eyes AS EASILY anymore. It really depends on the severity of the situation and how crummy I'm feeling at the moment. Trying to be more emotionally resilient while still remaining emotionally healthy. But to me, I really don't think there's anything wrong with crying. Unless it's over a boy. JUST KIDDING XP
So today, I actually "teared" a little while apologizing to my mom about something. This was what happened:
Mom had a day-off today and wanted to deposit two checks. The Citibank on 9th and Geary closes at 1pm, and because of poor timing to leave the house at 12:45pm, I had to run fast to the bank to deposit both checks in time. To condense the whole story, thankfully I made it in the nick of time to deposit the checks. However, it turns out that the transaction was done in the wrong account. As soon as we step foot out of the bank, my mom (clearly unhappy) claims that she had already told me which account she wanted, but I honestly do not recall her ever saying that. Almost immediately, I raise my voice at my mom in the middle of the street, since neither of us relented to admit fault. I could have cared less if people were staring or if someone I knew so happened to walk by. The next thing I hear myself say was, "I'm not going to Walgreen's with you anymore, I'm going home", and I take off.
On the walk home, I was in quite a mad/upset mood with only a slight tinge of guilt. By the time I got home, the guilt really started to kick in. Even if my mom had not communicated clearly to me (or if I had misheard her), that was no excuse for my attitude and the way I spoke to her. I realized that in the heat of the moment, I sort of just let my anger and frustration get the better of me. I knew I had to sit down, write out what actually happened and how I reacted, confess, and eventually apologize to my mom when she came home.
So when mom came in through the door, I waited awhile for her to settle down and then I apologized. At first it was fine, no wetness in the eyes. But after my mom started fending her case, I don't know exactly how the lacrimal glands in my eyes got activated, but tears began to stream down as I explained to her that all in all, I was mainly mad at myself because I had failed to please her. I was frustrated because mom was disappointed in me. I HATE letting my mom down.
After the "I'm sorry", things were okay and we watched a movie together. =)

Friday, January 8, 2010
So as I'm cleaning, I come across this Notepad document titled "Blah" that I had saved on my desktop on January 11, 2009 (almost one year ago). I open it and see a bunch of random stuff: the mailing address of my penpal in England, a few Bible verses, a conversation I had with someone, a letter I typed up, and this:
"Hi I'm Mrs. President. I'm known and valued by God and I follow Him with my heart. I enjoy taking walks with my husband and drinking Jamba Juice together. My family loves me dearly and I have two children, one boy who loves to run track, and a girl who enjoys singing. I'm a good listener and enjoy real sincere friendships with those around me..."
Haha reading that made me smile. I wrote it a while back after reading something similar that a friend had written. This cool friend has reminded me to not let myself be defined by my qualifications nor what other people think or say about me nor anything else in the world but rather, to find joy and peace in being known and loved by God.
This past summer of 2009 starting in July and rolling over to the bulk of Fall semester has been the most difficult time in my life thusfar. So many changes and transitions happened and I felt so overwhelmed, so much inner turmoil, so much spiritual warfare (to say the least). I felt so many emotions that words could not express, and many days I just felt BLAHHHHHHHH. I almost HATE feeling "blah", one of the worst feelings. -____- But to cut everything short (just for now, at least), I really witnessed GOD Himself during this "miserable time". Amidst my tears and struggles and sorrow, God remained faithful. He showed me abundant grace and His AMAZING love. Now as I'm in the middle of reflecting and processing everything that happened over the past months and hopefully writing a testimony on it, I'm beginning to understand more and more. I don't know if I'll ever FULLY understand EVERYTHING, but I do believe that God has a reason for all that I went through. And as my cool friend pointed out to me recently, a part of it is for the sake of building my character. I'm definitely glad that God is molding and making me into a woman after His own heart and that I'm well on my journey of becoming a woman of noble character :]
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
My Day
1) Woke up around 10:15am (kinda late) due to Mom's gentle opening of my room door and asking me if I wanted to go to Kaiser with her to get new glasses and contact lenses for myself.
2) Without first brushing my teeth and washing my face, I turned on my computer to check email (been waiting for sort of an "important" email from my volunteer manager).
3) Brushed my teeth, washed my face, fixed the toilet because it was making some weird water noises, and skipped breakfast (really bad).
4) Spent quite some time on the computer, that is until Mom encouraged me to get offline as she headed out the door for work.
5) Made some lunch while I watched Phantom of the Opera on DVD (present from my cousin, Ray). It was SOME musical indeed. Sooooo romantic though, which is not good for me at the moment. Man, the phantom was pretty mean during some parts, but you gotta feel sorry for him, especially after what he's been through and what happens at the end of the movie. Sorry if I ruined anything for you.
6) Finished "wrapping" a packaged letter to my penpal in England and then made a trip to the post office to mail it to the UK (UNITED KINGDOM!) along with another letter to a friend in Socal. I really like the feeling of standing in line at the post office to mail something. Like it even more if the line is short.
7) As I'm heading up the stairs to the gate of my house, I heard the sound of a little boy shouting "SSSSSISTERRRRR!!!" I turned around and saw in the distant my 12-year-old brother, Sam, as he crosses the street onto the street of our house. What a nice sight :] He came home early (didn't go to his afterschool program today because he had no homework), and I was happy to see him because quite frankly, I was feeling JUST A BIT lonely today inside my house.
8) Went upstairs to my grandma's for awhile and helped her massage her neck and shoulders. She told me about her day, as well as the plot of the Chinese drama she was watching on TV. I told her that I would accompany her to see the physical therapist next Wednesday in Chinatown.
9) Sam and I took a jog in Golden Gate Park. My performance was better today than Monday's :) By the time we finished our run, the sky was already dark. Then we went home and did 50 sit-ups each.
10) Took a shower cause I was sweaty and coldddd. My house in SF is soooo coldddd.
11) Kinda got in minor trouble because I didn't cook dinner, so I helped cook vegetables and prepare dinner.
12) Watched some television after dinner, an episode of One Tree Hill and GossipGirl actually, shows that I never regularly watch. But I know a bunch of people who are like hooked fans -____- so I gave it a shot. I must admit, all the actors and actresses were pretty glamorous, but the plots were so dramatic and their lifestyles revolved around such superficial things... kinda sickening how people can get obsessed with feasting their eyes on shows like these.
13) Checked email/facebook/Gchatted with a couple of friends, mostly from Socal. Realized that I would most likely be in Socal the weekend of Jan 29-31... pretty excited about that. Man, I kinda wanna move down there. I've been a Norcal girl my whole life, sorta wanna experience life in Socal. Perhaps I'll attend nursing school somewhere Socal. Guess I'll have to see where God leads me...
14) It's already past midnight and I realize I still haven't done my Quiet Time today =( REALLY REALLY BAD. Futhermore, I still want to write to my friend in Singapore, plus a bunch of Thank You cards to my fellow Planning Committee members of WCCCC.
*sigh* Tomorrow will be a new day. I will make a sincere effort to start off my day with the first item of #14.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Lost Card, but I Found It
Late last night (or should I say early this morning), instead of being asleep in my bed, I was rummaging through my stuff that I had stowed beside my bed. I stumbled across pictures taken from my junior year at Cal. It was bittersweet reminiscing on these past memories. I also found lots and lots of old mail that I deeply treasured and had kept well. I ended up rereading many of these letters and postcards sent from dear friends all the way from England, Singapore, Socal… If you don’t already know, I’m a huge fan of writing letters the OLD FASHIONED way, as in paper and pen and SNAIL MAIL hehehe :D (Hey, what can I say, I’m a traditional type of gal =P) I just love writing to my friends and relatives and sending them cards and “surprise packages” that will hopefully brighten up their day even just a little bit. And it’s really fun and exciting every time I receive something in my own mailbox, too! But this past semester starting in the summer, I’ve sort of taken a hiatus in letter-writing because of some deep issues I was going through. Heck, during that time I felt like I had lost total interest in many hobbies, let alone letter-writing, and was afraid that I might be stuck that way forever, but thank God for restoring many of my interests back to me. I sure intend to write some letters over this break before school starts again.
So after about 45 minutes of reading through old letters and then putting them back in their respective envelopes and packing everything up again by my bedside, my mind suddenly remembers a particular card that I had received from someone. For some reason though, I couldn’t seem to find it right away. I had already gone through the whole stack of these “highly treasured mail”, which I had kept all bunched together, but I didn’t recall coming across the card. I decide to browse through the stack once more, just in case the card was hidden in there somewhere. No card to be found. Scratch that. Actually I found many cards, but not THAT card that I was specifically looking for. Then a light bulb goes off in my head and I suddenly remember where the card might be. Jackpot. Indeed, it was inside the right pocket of a folder that I had also placed by my bedside. I eagerly take the card out of its envelope and read it. Prior to finding it, I knew this card was important to me. But as I reread its contents, I remembered even more why I valued this card so much.
I love everything about this card: the design, the printed text, the handwriting, what was written in it. The cover of the card reads “Bloom Where God Plants You”. I wish I could say that this card is important to me because of what the cover reads and also the reminder that “We all grow best in the soil of God’s Love” (this is what the inside of the card reads). But truthfully, I think this card means a lot to me because of the sender.
Monday, January 4, 2010
A Pleasant Surprise
But anyway, getting to the surprise part... so a few minutes ago, I ding-donged the doorbell to my home because I didn't bring my keys with me, knowing that my Daddy has a day-off from work today and that he'll open the door for me. Daddy opens the door for me, I take off my new Asics running shoes (New Year's present from Daddy), I enter the house and see him sitting comfortably on our sofa in the living room... READING THE BIBLE!!! :] That makes me real happy.
Then he says to me in Chinese something that would translate in English, "Dude, Adam lived to be 930 years old... geez..." I lightly chuckle and reply, "Yes Daddy... did you know Methuselah lived to be even older... 969 years?" He thought I made a mistake. I whip out my Bible, flip to Genesis chapter 5 verse 27, and prove to my Dad that I was right.
Thank you God for moving Daddy to read Your precious Word today. And thank you for even these short but sweet moments of bonding between him and me.
Okay, I'm gonna go pick up my Mommy from work and Sam (little brother) from school now! Stay tuned for more postings :D (Wow, this is fun! ^.^ )